Is there anything you can do, you ask? Below are some things that I need help with.
Beta readers for current and upcoming projects. Readers 18 and above, either individuals or belonging to reading groups or book clubs, who can comment on and offer feedback.
Writers and artists to link websites with, so we can all grow and make others aware of ourselves and our work.
Artists to render scenes and characters from my novels in images that I can post on my website, print, or otherwise show off. I’m interested mostly in characters that are in my novels, more than scenery.
Interviewers, reporters, and influencers to inquire about myself and my works, using all forms of media, from print to audio to video to other creative means. The goal is to assist in sharing, forwarding, and communicating announcements and messages of myself, my novels, and my website.
What I can offer in return is to link our websites together, to place your name or organization on my website INFO page under the FRIENDS of DARKNESS section, to occasionally share and repost messages announcing your upcoming events, new novels, and your name and profession, link to portfolio pages for writers and artists who offer and exchange their works, and offer assistance in writing, editing, and creativity, as needed. I might also be available to book clubs and reading groups for a sample reading, a Q&A session, for a meet and greet, or to speak on effective writing habits and best practices.
Please reach out to me via darkfictionauth, with the subject Friends of Darkness, so the email stands out.
Thanking you in advance,